Updated as of 20 November 2024
Sponsored Collaborations, Posts and Links
Homegirl London allows selective Sponsored Collaborations, Posts (Advertorials, Paid Articles) and Links.
To ensure transparency, these are marked as Adverts (category) at the top of the page, positioned above the featured image.
Each post includes the tags “Sponsored Post,” “Sponsored Link,” or “Advert.” The credits at the end of such articles will also state: This is a Sponsored (Collaboration, Post or Link)/Advertising.
Homegirl London will be concentrating on select Sponsored Collaborations where possible.
Affiliate Links
Homegirl London no longer uses affiliate links.
Advertising Banners
The blog is free from all general forms of advertising, such as banners, pop-ups, and similar distractions.
Free Meals
When a free meal has been accepted in exchange for a restaurant review, the review is labelled as an Advert.