aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk feature image

Aldgate To Limehouse Basin East London Walk

My Aldgate To Limehouse Basin East London Walk takes you through the East End. Stroll along Whitechapel High Street which becomes Whitechapel Road and then Mile End Road. Stop off at Mile End Park where you can enjoy the amenities and views of Canary Wharf. End your journey with a walk by Regents Canal which takes you to the picturesque Limehouse Basin marina. Bangladeshis form the largest minority population in the area which you will see reflected in the textile shops, food stores, the market and mosque that you see on route. There are some impressive grand buildings to see, including The Whitechapel Gallery and Trinity Green Almshouses. The Aldgate To Limehouse Basin East London Walk takes you through the Borough of Tower Hamlets where gentrification hasn’t yet taken a grip.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk mile end park land

A top tip from Homegirl London: When you read about, hear about, or just stumble across a fabulous place, where do you keep it? If like me, you find yourself jotting down endless notes, screenshots, and reminders only to lose them in the vortex that is your phone, then I have a great solution for you – Urbaniser! (Sponsored Link). It’s a brand-new app for collecting, navigating and sharing any pub, shop, gallery, park, gym, etc. for any city in the world – think Pinterest but for places. Urbaniser is free so why not give it a go? And if you follow this link after you’ve downloaded the app, you can immediately get a list of these wonderful places all set up for your Aldgate to Limehouse walk. Enjoy!

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Aldgate To Limehouse Basin East London Walk Highlights

Start the walk at Aldgate (Circle and Metropolitan Lines) or Aldgate East Station (Circle, Metropolitan and Hammersmith and City Lines). If you begin at Aldgate Station you need to walk towards Aldgate East Station, which takes you in the right direction.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk whitechapel gallery

The Whitechapel Gallery, 77-82 Whitechapel High Street E1 7QX is set inside a beautiful building designed by Charles Harrison Townsend in 1901. The gallery showcases works from famous artists. Next door is The Passmore Edwards Library, a Jacobethan building, which opened in 1892. The architects were Potts, Son and Hennings. Philanthropist Passmore Edwards funded it.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk osborn street

Osborn Street on the left takes you to Brick Lane, which is famous for street art and curry houses.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk altab ali park

Altab Ali Park, Alder Street E1 1FD is a small public space with Bengali martyrs’ monument along with old tombstones. Further along on the same side is the East London Mosque and The Royal London and Barts Hospital complex.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk whitechapel market

Opposite the hospital is Whitechapel Market which sells fruit, veg, textiles and clothing. It is open daily from 9 am until 5 pm except for Sundays. The shops lining the streets sell fabric, cheap clothes and groceries.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk mann crossman and paulin brewery

Past the market and you will see a stunning building with a gate bearing the words of Mann, Crossman & Paulin Ltd. The Albion Brewery was built in 1808.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk blind beggar pub

The Blind Beggar, 337 Whitechapel Road E1 1BU, is the infamous East End Victorian Pub where Ronnie Kray shot Georgie Cornell in 1966. The pub is named after Henry De Montfort (1238-1265) who lost his sight at the Battle of Eversham.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk trinity green almshouses

Trinity Green Almshouses at Bethnal Green London E1 4TP were formerly Trinity Hospital. These are Grade I listed almshouses built 1695 for retired sailors. Admire the model ships on top of the wall and peek through the gates to see the central garden.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk mile end road mural

Look out for the colourful Mile End Road mural on the wall by Mychael Barratt, which includes local people (Gilbert and George, the Krays, etc.) and landmark buildings.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk william booth statue

Continue, and you will see a statue of William Booth and his wife Catherine Booth, who founded the Salvation Army. William Booth preached his first sermon outside the Blind Beggar Pub, hence the location of the statues.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk drinking fountain

On the pavement outside 31-74 Mile End Road is a late C19 polished granite water fountain with an inscription to commemorate placement by the Metropolitan Cattle Trough and Drinking Fountain Association.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk terrace houses

Past the drinking fountain is a lovely row of historic terraced houses which look stunning.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk queen mary college

The Queen Mary University of London occupies a large plot of land for the campus. The Clock Tower is very striking, and the former People’s Palace building is beautiful. On the opposite side of the road is Scape, which is a large-scale student accommodation building.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk mile end park views

Cross over Regent’s Canal, and you will see Mile End Park which is in two parts, either side of Mile End Road. The park is long and narrow with the canal next to it. Explore the smaller left-hand side first. Venture into the right-hand part and walk through the park where you will find a raised walkway treating you to breathtaking views of Canary Wharf in the distance. An effort has been made to encourage wildlife and beetles into the park. Amenities include a terrace garden, sports centre and skateboarding facilities.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk ragged school

We took the park exit near the Ragged School Museum on Copperfield Road, which shows how life was like in a Victorian School.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk path regents canal

Follow the Regent’s Canal to Limehouse Basin. You will walk past pretty barge boats and ducks paddling around in the water.

aldgate to limehouse basin east london walk limehouse basin

You will eventually end up at the picturesque marina at Limehouse. Limehouse Basin feeds into the River Thames. You will have a stunning view of Canary Wharf in the distance. Limehouse Station (Docklands Light Railway and Train Station) is close by.

Aldgate To Limehouse Basin East London Walk Information

For more information on the area, read the East End of London Wikipedia Page. The walk takes approximately one hour, although more if you want to have a good look around Mile End Park. When you reach Limehouse Basin, you might like to extend your walk by continuing to Canary Wharf. I hope you enjoy the walk.

Author: Homegirl London. Photographs: Homegirl London. Disclosure: This post contains a sponsored link from Urbaniser.