ten working from home tips during coronavirus feature image

Ten Working From Home Tips During Coronavirus

Ten Working From Home Tips During Coronavirus: Many of us have been working at home for a few weeks now. The novelty has probably worn off, so it’s time to get yourself ready for the long haul. Setting up your desk, positioning your chair correctly and planning each day is all part of being smart when working from home. It’s time to stop worrying about the Coronavirus Pandemic and feel productive instead. I hope my Ten Working From Home Tips During Coronavirus will help you focus and succeed.

10 Working From Home Tips During Coronavirus

1. Be cyber secure

2. Decide where you are going to work

3. Adjust your chair

4. Position your computer screen and keyboard

5. Be prepared and organised

6. Maintain business as usual

7. Plan your work, set objectives and targets

8. Be active

9. Have a chat with a colleague

10. Choose a playlist

ten working from home tips during coronavirus vintage desk

Andersen Solid Sheesham Wood Vintage Desk from Maisons du Monde

Ten Working From Home Tips During Coronavirus

1. Be cyber secure: The most important consideration when working from home is cyber smart. Check your computer and router security settings, use strong and varied passwords, keep your data private, and open suspicious emails or attachments.

2. Decide where you will work: Those with a home office will be set up and ready to work. If you are fighting for space with your kids, the dining table may need to become the family mini-office. A dressing table or console table could be a make-shift desk if you don’t have a dining table. Perhaps it is time to invest in a new desk that you can dismantle after the Coronavirus Pandemic.

3. Adjust your chair: If you have an office chair, adjust it to be comfortable. The idea is that you should be sitting with your feet flat on the floor, and your knees should be in line with your hips or slightly lower.

4. Position your computer screen and keyboard: Place the keyboard in front of you, and the computer monitor should be slightly above eye level at arm’s length. If you are working on a laptop, you may need a riser and an external keyboard.

5. Be prepared and organised: Make sure you have everything you need in advance to work from home without interruptions. If your Wi-Fi isn’t fast enough, change providers. Buy batteries for your mouse and an extra mouse if you are prone to dropping yours. Computer screen and keyboard cleaners are worth ordering online. You may need stamps, envelopes and other stationery, which you should purchase now. Organise your workspace with a lamp, desk organiser and anything else you need.

ten working from home tips during coronavirus barky desk organiser

Barky Black Metal Desk Organiser from Maisons du Monde

6. Maintain business as usual: To give yourself a sense of normality, work your regular hours with planned coffee breaks and an hour for lunch. Get dressed, shower and put on some make-up if it makes you feel more productive. Your boss might want to talk to you via video, so slobbing about in your pyjamas might not be a good idea.

7. Plan your work, and set objectives and targets: Plan your day the night before so you don’t go to bed thinking about tasks. If you can set yourself goals, you will feel a sense of achievement on completion. Plan meals into your daily schedule, and make yourself something tasty as a treat.

8. Be active: Now that you no longer have to travel to and from work, use that time to exercise. At the same time, we are still allowed to take one form of exercise daily, schedule a walk, cycle or jog. Try to get up from your computer every hour to stretch your legs, neck, arms and hands. Set a diary reminder to remind if required.

9. Have a chat with a colleague: Part of working in the office includes gossiping and catching up with your workmates. Schedule a telephone or video call with your business buddies each day.

10. Choose a playlist: Listening to music while you work can lift your spirits. Start with instrumental jazz in the morning and ramp it up later when you need a boost. If you feel isolated, put the radio on, and the background chatter may comfort you.

You may be interested in reading about more Home Ideas and looking at pictures on my Pinterest Boards.

Ten Working From Home Tips During Coronavirus Post Credits

Author: Homegirl London who is self-isolating at home with her laptop! Photographs: The featured image shows the Arty Solid Mango Wood and Black Metal Drawer Desk. The pictures in the feature show Andersen Solid Sheesham Wood Vintage Desk and Barky Black Metal Desk Organiser, all from Maisons du Monde